On 29 January 2019 the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions adopted the 2nd report on the implementation of the EU macro-regional strategies. The report's goal is to provide a detailed analysis on the EU macro-regional strategies: the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR), the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) and the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP).
Are you looking for an exciting volunteering experience at home or abroad? Do you want to make a difference and support projects promoting solidarity among people? If you are up for a challenge, and willing to dedicate yourself to helping other people then joint the Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) initiative. IVY is an action to offer the possibility to young EU citizens aged 18-30 to serve as volunteers in cross-border, transnational or interregional programmes and related projects.
Do you have an idea for cross-border or regional cooperation in Central Europe, the Western Balkans or the Eastern Partnership countries? The first call for applications for Visegrad, Visegrad+ and Strategic Grants has been published. The application deadline is February 1, at 12.00 PM (noon). Find out everything you need to know about what the Visegrad Fund is looking for, and about how to apply here.
At the 7th EUSDR Annual Forum in Sofia, a Story Map has been launched by the European Commission's Joint Reasearch Institute. The map shows the Eu funded projects, focusing on tourism, culture, bike routes etc. People can virtually wander along the Danube river, while gather information about different topics. It shows the beauty and potential of the region, while provides a leraning opportunity about cultural and natural heritage. You can find the Story Map here.
A new brochure on the first major output of the LinkingDanube project gives an overview on how linking services can be implemented in a multi-stakeholder environment. The brochure explains the technical and organisational concept for establishing a transnational, multimodal travel information service across borders. It points out the significance with regard to EU policy and legislation while setting out the benefits for both the service providers and the users.
The idea of creating such a manual arised at a Conference held in September. Since the EUSAIR Strategy is higly compley, the promotion of the Streategys aims, added value and achivements is hard. The Communication manual helps improving our understanding toward the Strategy, and defining our role and responsibility through the process of macro-regional communication. The material is divided into 3 parts, with quiding questions to help discover our ideas and thoughts. More details available here.