The paper highlights a number of assets that the EUSAIR may offer the enlargement process, such as:
- its horizontal cooperation;
- a regional dimension that connects the WB to the EU;
- the convergence of interests between member states and non-member states on enlargement;
- its cooperative nature;
- its capacity-building contribution;
- the emphasis on territorial cooperation and its inclusive approach.
The report elaborates on possible ways for EUSAIR contribution to the enlargement process by the following methods:
- easing the adoption of the acquis communautaire in the WB countries;
- fostering administrative capacity with grounded, evidence-based policies, generating cohesion competencies in the WB countries;
- helping the implementation of EU policies and strategies beyond EU borders;
- offering a framework where different levels, processes, strategies, and funds may converge;
- promoting a strong involvement of stakeholders and participatory policy-making that increase the accountability of governments and consolidate democracy.