The main objective of the initiative is to make Danube navigation more attractive for potential customers as ship crews can save time and concentrate on their actual job, which is carrying cargo from A to B using the most environmentally friendly mode of transport. The first step in the developmental path was to reach an agreement on the elimination of superfluous data requests.
The next challenge proved to be the screening and streamlining of different border control forms in use along the entire Danube (arrival and departure forms, crew lists and passenger lists). The synchronised application of a first set of so-called Danube Navigation Standard Forms (DAVID) was recently started with its introduction in Hungary, Croatia and Serbia.
The RIS COMEX project will specify the required steps to digitalise the submission of DAVID forms based on the „single data entry“ and „report only once“ principle. The joint Working Group of PA1a and PA11, as well as the RIS COMEX and the already concluded DANTE project form together a TEN-T Corridor Flagship Project, that supports the transport policy objective towards digitalisation of administrative procedures on inland waterways.