Two round tables were held called "Blue skills on sustainable ship and boat building in the AI Region" and "Blue skills on sustainable port operations in the AI Region".
The AI Region is facing a turning point for ship and boat building industry - the need to set up mechanisms capable of creating long term collaboration, opportunities of aligning existing funds and dedicate cross-cutting efforts to transfer these skills was a pivotal point of the meeting. Thus, investing in engineering and education at all levels, starting from primary school, in order to promote a greener industry and to integrate digital revolution is inevitable.
The second round table revolved around the need to monitor new technologies in order to understand the real effect in the demand-supply chain and in this sense a strategy based on data and concrete actions is necessary for meeting demand and offer. Interdisciplinary and soft skills are enhanced in comparison to traditional jobs and an indicative list of new skills taking into account system, equipment and automation, IT technologies, has been shared responding to the diversification of the port system which is changing its traditional role towards an energy and sustainable industry hub. The plenary session setting out EU policy framework and the key challenges in the medium to long term, was followed by two thematic roundtables, focused respectively on sustainable ship and boat-building and sustainable port operations.