EUSDR – Danube Region Strategy is the name of the application that can be downloaded from Google Play or AppStore for mobile devices, without the necessity of creating an account and therefore without storing user data. On the home page an animated map of the EUSDR region is available besides some facts about the particular countries. A news section provides updates about the area. With the enablement of the notification button, you can receive information in real time. Saving events in a personal calendar is also possible. The app also gives you the opportunity to access the contacts of the EUSDR core stakeholders.
If you click on the Living along the Danube section you will be able to go on a journey "through the Danube countries showing the beauties of the region, including cultural routes established by the Council of Europe, traditional food, recipes and important personalities born in the Danube Region who, through their contributions, shaped the world we live in today"!