
Supporting Smart Specialisation Strategies and Technology Transfer in South-East Europe

The conference is organised within the framework of the Romanian presidency of the Council of the EU with the aim of exploring the progress, results and challenges related to the development and implementation of successful smart specialisation strategies, innovation ecosystems and technology transfer capacities.
Submitted by CESCI on Fri, 05/03/2019 - 13:49

Edu-Lab Final Conference "Better Chances for Young People in the Danube Region"

The partnership consortium of the Interreg-project EDU-LAB: New Danubian Governance in Labour market Relevance of Higher Education with 27 partners from 10 countries organizes the final conference of the project, entitled »Better Chances for Young People in the Danube Region« in Zagreb on 16 –17 May 2019.
Submitted by Secco2 on Wed, 04/24/2019 - 16:38

Sustainable Transformation of the Danube region and the future of the bioeconomy-based competitiveness

The Final Conference of the DanuBioValNet Project will be organized in Prague, Czech Republic on 28-29 May 2019 with the title of "Sustainable Transformation of the Danube Region and the Future of the Bioeconomy-based Competitiveness".
Submitted by Secco2 on Thu, 04/18/2019 - 14:57

Castle Talks on Cross-Border Cooperation

The next conference of the Castle talks will be held in Strasbourg on the 18-19 March 2019 on the topic of "The Crisis of Europe without borders". The main panels will revolve around the questions of what roles will and should the border regions play in a era when the European defence issues and the Schengen area (as well as its new borders and fences) are continuously and profoundly questioned and re-questioned. 

Submitted by Secco2 on Thu, 03/14/2019 - 10:41






Project Partners




The project is supported by

Part-financed by the European Union and the City of Vienna