European Capitals of Culture and Cross-border Urban Cohesion

The CECCUT network organizes its conference to collect the experiences of urban stakeholders in charge of setting up the European Capital of Culture initiative and use it to identify the major issues of cross-border urban cohesion. The debates will be followed by three workshops on the following topics:

1) Strengthen the sense of belonging to a common cross-border cultural space;
2) Support social inclusion across borders through culture, particularly that of young people and marginalised groups;
3) Promote urban development based on the cultural and creative economy beyond state borders.

The invitation, programme and registration form are available on the following link:

Registration for the conference closes on 3 March 2019 or when maximum number of registrations has been reached.

Belval, Luxembourg
CECCUT network
Submitted by Secco2 on Tue, 02/26/2019 - 09:39

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The project is supported by

Part-financed by the European Union and the City of Vienna