When asked about “What is the most important topic/challenge EU cooperation should address?” young people who joined the online debate on 23 June 2020 identified five fields of action where Interreg could act to better support them:
a) Improving young people’s skills & increase access to training opportunities
b) Boosting employment for young people in Europe
c) Simplification of rules and a better communication via digital tools
d) Addressing Climate Change issues for a better future
e) Boosting citizens’ engagement in policy making & implementation
The Manifesto for Young People by Young People to Shape the European Cooperation Policy has been drafted to collect a total of 12 recommendations by the young participants at the 1st Coordination Meeting of the Danube Youth Council Task Force.
1. Increasing the number of online events and meetings via digital platforms
2. Regular thematic meetings on Interreg matters with young people and European Commission's staff
3. Involving young people in meetings of relevant EU-wide groups and networks
4. Enabling young people to encourage their region to apply for the REGIOSTARS Award competition and consider keeping a category dedicated to youth every year
5. Promoting the regular exchanges within existing governance structures like the Macro Regional Strategies
6. Increasing the knowledge of Interreg in schools and universities
7. Encouraging European Commission’s staff to boost their participation to the “Back to School/University” initiative
8. Creating and disseminating dedicated “edutainment” programme
9. Encouraging each Interreg programme to plan more calls more easily accessible by young people with simpler rules and a dedicated budget
10. Inviting young people in meetings and enable them to actively participate to the monitoring committees
11. Boosting skills and tackling youth unemployment
12. Boosting more EU inter-institutional and multigovernance relations