
Blue growth - discovering the potentials for blue growth and expressing the development priorities in Slovenia

The event "Blue growth - discovering the potentials for blue growth and expressing the development priorities in Slovenia" will be organised on 18 April 2019 in Piran, Slovenia in the premises of the National Institute of Biology, Marine biological station Piran. The event is focused on presenting concrete projects and concepts dealing with blue growth in Slovenia in order to activate Slovenia's blue growth potentials with European programs and resources.

Submitted by Secco2 on Tue, 04/02/2019 - 13:15

Fostering policy coherence in the Danube Region

On the 4th of April 2019 ESPON is organizing a workshop called “From evidence to action: territorial trends and challenges identified in the ESPON projects. Fostering policy coherence in the Danube Region” for the key stakeholders involved in cooperation formats such as the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, Interreg Danube and Central Europe.

Submitted by Secco2 on Mon, 03/18/2019 - 14:28

EGTCs and people to people projects + INTERACT workshop and exchange for EGTCs

On the 9th of April 2019 the European Committee of the Regions will organize two consecutive and complementary events: between 10:30 and 12:00 the best practices and transferability of EGTC management of small people to people projects will be discussed while between 14:00 and 17:00 and INTERACT workshop and exchange for EGTCs will take place. 

Submitted by Secco2 on Thu, 02/28/2019 - 15:33

EGTC Workshop in Berlin

On 26 March 2019 in Berlin an EGTC workshop will be organised with the title "EGTC - prevailing experiences and new developments". The main goal of the workshop is to support the EGTC related exchange of experiences and knowledge. The workshop will exhibit possible solutions, success factors as well as obstacles for EGTC foundations and operations. Furthermore, current developments in view of the up-coming programming period 2021-2017 will be debated. The language of the workshop will be German.

Submitted by Secco2 on Wed, 02/27/2019 - 09:21

9th Meeting of the Danube Local Actors Platform

Priority Area Coordination 10 Institutional Capacity and Cooperation invites civil society organisations, representatives from cities and municipalities and further local actors to the 9th Meeting of the Danube Local Actors Platform.

During the event participants will discuss the possible contributions to the Danube Participation Day 2019, the planned revision of the EUSDR Action Plan, activities in view of participatory governance and capacity building in the Danube Region, and funding opportunities.

Submitted by Secco2 on Thu, 02/07/2019 - 18:07






Project Partners




The project is supported by

Part-financed by the European Union and the City of Vienna