PRESS CONFERENCE: NAMIRS project – North Adriatic Maritime Incident Response System

The ASOSCop contingency plan in the event of accidents at sea is one of the 4 flagship macro-regional projects within pillar for environmental quality in the EUSAIR Adriatic-Ionian strategy. The NAMIRS project  North Adriatic Maritime Incident Response System  is the first measure to adress these macro-regional strategic priorities. The project is supported among others by the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment, the Municipality of Izola and the Central European Initiative-Executive Secretariat in Trieste.

The transnational cooperation, as well as to find a successful way to prevent and control the potential negative consequences of an accident in the Adriatic Sea is crucial in terms of the environment, the economy and the health of the population by the sea.

During the press conference on Wednesday, 16th February at 10.00 a.m. will be discussed the goals and results in controlling these consequences of incidents in the Adriatic area.

The speakers:

  • Mitja Bricelj; Slovenian Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning; Water and Investsments Directorate; EUSAIR TSG3 Thematic Steering Group Coordinator
  • Iztok Škerlič; director of Public Institute for Entrepreneurship Izola – Municipality of Izola; EUSAIR Facility Point TSG3 Project Partner
  • Anna Marconato; head of the Namirs project at the Central European Initiative – Executive Secretariat in Trieste

Link to join to the event 

online event, via the link
Municipality of Izola (EUSAIR)
Submitted by CESCI on Mon, 02/14/2022 - 19:00

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Project Partners




The project is supported by

Part-financed by the European Union and the City of Vienna