Fostering the renovation wave in the Danube and Adriatic-Ionian Macro-Regions

During the meeting initiated by EUSDR PA 2 (CZ), DSP, Ukraine and Croatia, they will present an overview of the current situation of EUSDR. They will also illustrate the policy developments on carbon-neutrality purposes and funding options. The audience will also have the opportunity to debate with the speakers about suggestions in these regions.


Ms Zuzana Šimicová, Coordinator of the Priority Area 2 “To Encourage More Sustainable Energy” of the EUSDR


Mr Jiří Karásek, Senior Consultant, SEVEn Energy, Czech Republic
Mr Paul Garcia Audi, Policy Officer, Buildings and Products, Unit B.3, European Commission – DG ENER, Belgium
Mr Alex Boycool, Head of the Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings Expert Group at Energy Efficiency Directorate, Ministry for Communities and Territories Development, Ukraine
Ms Vesna Bukarica, Head of Department for Energy Efficiency, Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar, Croatia

Registration until 1 March

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online event
European Commission
Submitted by CESCI on Mon, 02/21/2022 - 09:25

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Part-financed by the European Union and the City of Vienna