The main objective of the think tank event is to exchange views and practical experiences on the link between exploitation, human trafficking and migration. Experts and practitioners will discuss concrete pragmatic solutions and propose changes in the current methods used in European policies.
The event will be distributed into three panels:
- Narrowing the Gap between Theory and Reality (migrants serve as the group that is the most exposed to exploitation and human trafficking, exploitative labour conditions and the lack of health care - the Panelists will discuss the problem in general by providing in-depth insight into its reality and suggesting possible solutions)
- Discouraging Exploitation in the Context of Human Trafficking & Migration (migrant workers’ rights and non-criminalisation, the creation of conditions in which workers who are abused can safely report their experience to authorities, complaint mechanisms, non-punishment clause and access to compensation etc. as means that discourage exploitation and human trafficking)
- Challenging EU Policies on Human Trafficking for Labour Exploitation – including Return and Reintegration Schemes (current shortcomings and problems such as massive human rights and children's rights violations, manyfold restrictions of freedom of movement, lack of transparency etc., on the one hand - and contrarily, potential improvements through the new documents)
Chamber of Labour, Vienna, Theresianumgasse 16-18
Regional Implementation Initiative (RII)