The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) is a macro-regional strategy adopted by the European Commission in December 2010 and endorsed by the European Council in 2011 for the purpose of sustainable development of the Danube region. It includes a total of 12 Priority Areas based on the issues experienced in the Danube Region, e.g. mobility, energy, tourism, water, environment, knowledge, building capacities, security, etc.
The importance of political commitment is stated in the third report of the European Commission from September 2020: it is essential, that national and regional authorities elaborate on more specific strategies at ministerial level to connect this strong political commitment and the ability of administrations to follow up on these.
The draft agenda of the event:
Danube Strategy - How to boost innovation and digitization?
- Introduction of EUSDR and how to support innovation / digitization to raise competitiveness in the region
- Focusing on experiences / lessons learned by the current and future EUSDR Presidency
- Specific themes:
a. Umbrella structure / infrastructure
b. Marketing and communication EUSDR
c. Concrete Projects